lc23tina's Diaryland Diary


*Monday-But Mostly Sunday Night*

God Damned Computer


I had just about finished this entry and my computer just restarted on it's own? What's up with that?

Ok so here I was.

Today is not too bad so far.

I just got up not too long ago, I was out late last night.

My roomates are still sleeping. I don't think they crawl out of their rocks until the night comes. Do you think they might be vampires?

It's really hot in here today. It has got to be an easy 100 degrees. I am sweating like a cow, if they actually sweat?

I'm sure they do.

Damn I want to be in that pool right now.

I am still feeling and looking like a lobster.

Ok I bet you are all dying to know about my night.

Maybe your not but I am going to write about it.

When I got home yesterday, I was pretty pissed off that no one cared less that I was home, for that matter that I was even gone.

I came online to check my e-mail (junk) and I played a few games of euchre while I talked to Craig on the phone. He is done work in a week and then it is back to College. He gave me a new song to listen to. He knows I swear he knows what songs will make me blubber like an idiot. Please listen to it if you want a song that will make you HURT a million times over. It is Lifehouse-Everything. I was going to post the lyrics but I can't fing them, I won't stop looking.

So I got done on the phone with him and I was still bored as hell.

So I sent out a message on Icq to "Warhead" (names have been changed to proctect the innocent) LOL.

I said "I am bored, if you are bored let's go for coffee and be bored together"

I waited for a bit, but he did not come on-line.

So I sent another message I said "I am getting off the computer for a bit, if you want to go for coffee just send me a message or give me a ring"

I got off the computer and took the fan into my room, it was VERY HOT in here, I started to read my book, but I was melting into the matress. I decided to go hop in a cold shower. I turned on the taps just got my foot in and the phone rang. Brad answered it and screamed at me telling me to get the phone. I got on and he asked if I wanted to go, I told him that I was going to take a shower, he told me to call back when I was ready to go.

Had my shower and got ready. He picked me up and we went out for coffee well we had Iced Capaccino (I think that's the way you spell it?) it was horrible, too cafinated or something, it actually looked like we were drinking mud!

We sat there and talked for a while and then he asked if I wanted to go to the drive (riverside that is) Yes I did!

We went down to the peace fountain park again, the water was like glass and I have to admit he was looking FINE! We walked and talked all the way down and found a little platform with a bench and took a seat we watched the cars across the river in Detroit, and the cop that pulled someone over. That street puzzles me, all the cars go fast until they see the cops and then they stop 5 miles away? unless they are all guilty of something?

Ok so we sat there for a good long time, we never seem to have to conversation end, we find the stupid things to laugh at, it was fun.

I was sitting there staring across the river when he put his arm around me, he asked if it was alright, I said YEAH, It felt funny, I don't know why but it felt really fucking good!

We spent a lot of time at that river. All those damn ducks that sound like puppies barking (you just had to be there)


So yeah, we talked forever.

We got up to leave and walk back to the car, where we encountered a very strange man, remember it is like almost 5 in the morning. He looked spaced out of his tree, he asked for the time, "Warhead" told him it was like 20 to 6 here it was only 20 to 5 when he got a better look at his watch.

That guy is going to hunt him down on his bike. LOL

On the way home I was thinking, Should I or shouldn't I...

I was going to give him a hug, shoot it was our third meeting (I don't know if you can call them dates?) but I was thinking alright girl we are going in for the KISS, I am not like that ever, I never make the move. I sit back and let nature take it's course.

By the time I convinced myself that I was going to do it, we were in the car in front of my house. I asked if he wanted the window rolled up so I did that, blushing like mad. I turned and held out my arms for a hug, he hugged and I kissed right on the lips. I can't believe I did that!

It was nice, way too nice I was going in for the second but I stopped myself, and with a little giggle I got out of the car, we told eachother thank you for the fun time and I came home.

I floated up the stairs, you would have too. He is a perfect gentleman, and he listens to me.

And his lips were like silk.

Oh la la

I am done here now that I have a smile the size of my head.

Have a great day all

Love Ya


1:55 p.m. - 2001-07-23


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