lc23tina's Diaryland Diary


Bio - *new*

For those of you who don't know me, and for even the people who think they know me (but are wrong). I've complied a list of little tid-bits to help you along your way in finding out who I really am.

{revised on : May 3rd, 2006}

1. My name is Tina. Which comes from Old English, Hindu origin meaning river.

2. Born on December 16th 1977. I am a Sagittarius. The archer. My element is Fire, ruling planet is Jupiter, My lucky color is Cobalt Blue and My birthstone is Sapphire.

3. Born in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. To parents Joyce and Bill.

4. When entering this world I was introuded to my siblings. Sisters Wanda and Barb and Brother Albert.

5. My Mother and Father divorced in the 80's. Both moving on to better and happier relationships. I'm close to my Mom, wish I was close to my father too.

6. I live on the East end of Windsor. In a cute little apartment with John, Aime-Lynn (my daughter) and our kitty Spice. We are middle class apartment dwellers.

7. John works in a warehouse for Chryslers. Right now, I am a devoted stay at home Mommy.

8. We own a 98' Neon. 4 doors!

9. We have one son. He was born asleep on December 20th, 2002. Then we were blessed once again September 30th, 2004 when Aime-Lynn was born.

(now a little about what I look like and how I describe myself)

10. As you can see I am chunky, I stand 5'10 and I weigh...HAHAHA! Did you think I was going to tell you?

11. That is not my real hair color, most of it is. The highlights came in a box from the drug store.

12. Most people think I weigh less than I do, I have been told on many occasions that I hold myself well. I think anyone has that potential. You just need to sit and stand tall and walk with one foot in front of the other. (at least this has been my secret)

13. I am a romantic.

14. I am shy, very, very, very shy. It takes alot for me to warm up to a person and trust them.

15. Once the shell is broken, you normally can't shut me up.

16. I am a loner of sorts. I don't have many friends and I prefer it that way. The people I do have as friends are the people I trust with my life.

17. I love to help the people I trust. If you are my friend, there is nothing I won't do for you. (I have limits, but there are few) -- (I won't murder anyone or anything)

(now a little bit about what I love and hate)

18. I love music, all types any time of the day. (with the exception of most rap and country (I have to be in the right mmod to listen to either))

19. I love the rain, I've even danced in it once. I hate thunderstorms. If there is a thunderstorm in a 10 mile radius I am under my bed sitting next to the dust bunnies that live there.

20. I love hockey. I try not to miss any Leafs games. Since they are my favorite team.

21. I also love dirt track racing. John and I went the whole season this year, only missing 2 races.

22. I'm not afraid to get dirty, and I'm not afraid to break a nail. Normally they are too short to worry about anyway.

23. I like being on my comptuer. I play games, writing, chatting...

24. I like to be barefoot. Even in the winter when my toes are turning blue.

25. I don't like grocery shopping. And I sure don't like over-crowded stores during any holiday season. People seem to use me as a target in these places so I try to avoid them whenever possible.

26. I love eating fresh fruits and veggies. I'd do naked backflips for strawberries.

27. Speaking of being naked, thats how I prefer to dress while sleeping, or doing the tango in the kitchen.

28. I love to write, I'm not much good at story telling.

29. I also love painting and taking pictures (not of myself, I don't believe I am photogenic).

30. I dress comfortably. Theres no other way for me. It's not too often that I get all dolled up with a dress, in fact I can't remeber when the last time I wore a dress was.

(now for some tid-bits)

31. I am a smoker. Not too much of a drinker.

32. I do no illegal drugs, and I never will. (Okay, I smoked pot a few times in my life...I'm talking about hard drugs. And I am not implying that I smoke pot now)

33. I named my son after my two favorite hockey players. Shane Corson and Garry Roberts. Hence the name Shane Robert. I named my daughter after her great-grandfather.
Aime - great grandfather
Lynn - After her Aunt & her grandma Lynn
May - John's mothers middle name.
I love her name, it's a beautiful name for a truly amazing and beautiful girl.

34. I have collections of dolphins, Maple Leafs memoriblia, and Frosty the Snowman. (weird huh?)

35. I am proud to be a Canadian!

36. I am very proud to be raising my daughter in Canada.

37. I have my ears peirced. Nothing else. I want to get my tongue done, but John won't allow it. I think he said it was okay to get a tatoo though.

38. I love the smell of vanillia, cinnamon, berries and oranges.

39. I am in love with anything that has to do with the Simpsons. I have all three seasons (so far available on DVD), and the collectors editions of two games, plus oodles of other stuff.

40. John proposed on November 6th 2003. We plan on getting married in 2007.

41. I sleep on my left side, at least thats the way I go to sleep. When I wake up I am usually tangled in the mass of blankets, sheets and pillows. More often than not spread across the bed.

42. I like having pillows on my bed, but hardly use then while sleeping.

43. I hate going to the doctors. They scare me. The same goes for dentist too, I don't know if I am scared of going or seeing the bill after.

44. I am not a firm believer in "God".

45. I wish I had clearer skin.

46. And a thinner body...

47. Might as well throw in a boob lift too.

48. If I were to win the lottery, I would alter the way I look. I don't believe people are fat or thin by what they eat. I'm sure it does contribute, but I know skinnies that eat like cows not minding that they've consumed enough calories to kill a horse. And I know some fatties (like me) that eat well and are still plump.

49. I don't see a point in wasting money on crazy things.

50. I like having all the bills paid and a few bucks in the bank.

51. I am content with my home-life.

52. I love chinese food. I like food peroid. Greek Gyro's....Mmmmmm...Chocolate...Mmmmmmm (drools)

53. I love popcorn. Microwavable Kettle Corn!

54. I am a hard worker.

55. I don't have a licence for a car, but I do have one for my forklift. In the Spring I am going for my begginers.

56. I drink more than the recomended 8 glasses of water a day. That may explain why I go to the bathroom more than the recomended 8 times a day.

57. We have a water cooler in our computer room. I hate drinking tap water. Fish fuck in that stuff ya know.

58. It takes alot for me to get angry, but when I do...Look out!

59. I like reading novels. I haven't had much time these days to pick up a good book, but I want to.

60. I love listening to or reading about celebrity gossip.

61. I am a organized person. I am one of those people who firmly believe that there is a place for everything. Even when there is no room for everything.

62. I dropped out of highschool when I was 17. Big mistake. I am currently completing my diploma through correspondance.

63. Once done with the diploma, I would like to move on and go to college.

64. Chinese food is the best.

65. Favorite color is blue.

66. I don't like elevators, if I can I will take the stairs.

67. I've been held by police, never arrested.

68. I've been in 2 fights both while in grade school. I kicked Ty in the balls in grade 5 for pushing me in the mud, and when I was 8 years old my next door neighbors girlfriend killed my cat so I beat her up in the bush (she was 17). HA!

69. I've had little scuffles with people, but everyone has those.

70. Only 1 man has ever hit me, I hit back. HARD.

71. He is now just a memory that sometimes passes thru my head.

72. I like to stick my finger in the peanut butter jar - not to worry we have 2 peanut butter jars so I can do that.

73. I am a God-Mother to my neice Natasha.

74. I have one other neice Lena and two nephews Bradley and Douglas.

75. Nothing disturbs me more than people taking advantage of their children.

76. I love playing card and board games. I like going to thrift stores and picking up old games.

77. I like multi-player on-line games like euchre, cribbage, bingo and Slingo

78. I love Sunny Delight orange juice

79. I don't eat syrup on pancakes. I usually wrap a pancack around bacon and pickles and dip it in ketchup.

80. I am a night hawk.

81. I am a freak for American Idol, but I don't like the Canadian version. It really blows.

82. This past summer I made ammends with my father and we are now working on what seems to be a good relationship.

83. Aime had surgery on December 8th, 2005. To correct Craniofacial disorder. She came thru quite fine.

84. I love being a Mother.

85. I love Aime-Lynn. When she was born, when I first got to hold her, I swear I could see my heart float over me.

86. I've gotten fat! I've put on 40 pounds since I had her. I started a bad habit when I was worried about Aime. I would eat when I was depressed.

87. I need a good workout routine.

88. I need someone to hold my hand while I do this. Motivation.

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