lc23tina's Diaryland Diary


*Another Survey!!!*

Hey there my little viewers! How you doin? (Please tell me how you are doing by signing that loverly guestbook I have up there, or better yet give me a note and a message in my guestbook--then I will surely love you forever).

Ok please send me a note, I love the little things and...Well...I never get them. I am to the point where I am going to start writing to myself. Now wouldn't that just be pathetic...Oh shit...I've already done that. Yikes *shakes head*

Had a nice night tonight. John came over and we watched "Everybody loves Raymond" and chilled on the couch. We took a drive to the store to get CHOCOLATE. You know your man loves you when he buys you coke and CHOCOLATE! We chilled here and played on the net looking at some sites and such. Cuddled up on the couch and talked. Time goes by too damn fast when we are together, I hate it! I want a few extra hours at least! But I take what I can get :)

When he left I went upstairs and talked with Wanda and Shelly for a few minutes then I hopped on the net to check my e-mail (none again...) But I did copy a Survey that Ginger sent me so I could post it here (like always, I swear I am addicted to survey's). So without boring you anymore here it is.

**Oh and read the damn thing, that's why I put it here!**

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ThE BeSt SuRvEy EvEr!!

1. Hi ThErE! wHo ArE yA? I am Tina, Sassy Sex Goddess.

2. ThAt'S a NiCe NaME, aNy NiCkNAmeS? Look at number 1. Oh sure there are others, know.

3. THiS iS gOnNa SoUnd LiKe A LiNE, BuT wHaT'S yOuR SiGn? Sagittarius, Well rounded and stubborn, yup that's me alright.

4. Oh, So ThAt WoUld MeAn yOuR biRThDaY iS WhEn? December 16th, born in 1977.

5. aH, sO yOuR hOw OLd? 23 going on 65. Let's leave it at that.

6. AnY SiBliNgs? Got lots of those, it just seems like a lot when you are doing the Christmas shopping. Let's see here...Wanda (oldest sister), Barb (older than me, and yes a sister), Albert (still older than me, he's a brother) and 2 step thingys. Kim and Kenny.

7. WhEre YoU LiVe? In a hell that I call home, with my Mother, her BF Larry, Brother, Sister, her hubby, A dog named scooter, a few crickets and mice. Let's say we have a full house here.

Ok, NoW tHiNGs gEt iNtErEsTiNG!

8. I dOn'T mEAn To PrY, buT, Do YoU hAvE a HuSbaNd/WiFe/BoYfRiEnD/GiRLfRiEnD/CrUsh? I have a brand spankin new boyfriend who I love! He makes me gush *blushes*

9. WhAt's ThEir NAme? His name is John, but I call him Johnny. :)

10. AwWw, sO hOw LonG HaVe YoU LiKEd/LoVeD/BeEn WitH/StAlKEd ThIs PerSOn? Offical date is November 1st 2001, would have been sooner but I was a bit leary. I've stalked him forever, one time at band camp, he almost caught me too...LMAO

11. WhErE yOu TwO MeEt? This is a toughy. I think this is how it went...He found me through Icq and started reading my diary, so who should I thank? Icq or diaryland??????

12. HaVe YoU *KiSsEd* YeT? Yes and I must say...Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!


13. WhAt'S yOuR sOCiAl LiFe LiKe? Was shitty, did nothing, seen nothing, knew nothing, now...I'm on the go always and having fun doing it!

14. WoW, IntEResTiNg! WhO aRe YoU mOstLy SeEn WiTh oUt iN pUbLiC? John of course ;)

15. ArE yOu A sPoRtY/PrEpPy/GoThiC/NeRd/MuSicAl PeRsOn? Can I be all of the above? Ok here's the explanation. I am sporty, cause I am a major NHL fan, but I like football, golf, wrestling, and auto racing. Preppy...kinda. Gothic, Ok got me there...I dont think there is a bit of goth in me, but hey I could be wrong. Nerd, for sure, I make it a point to wear my pants to my nipples. And musical, I like to toot my own horn, that must count for something.

16. whAt iS yOuR fAvOriTe MiD-nItE sNaCk food? CHOCOLATE, any way shape or form.

17. WhAt MoViEs CoULd YoU sEE fORevEr aND NeVeR gEt sIcK oF? Robinhood (cartoon), Pretty Woman and Beaches.

18. WhAt sOng CoUld yOu HeAR AlL tHe tiME, aNd NeVeR gEt SiCk oF HeaRiNg iT? Right now, Five for fighting- Superman.

19. AnD wHy ExAcTLy iS tHat? Everytime I hear it, it reminds me of John, and that's a good thing in my book. Now when I wake up, the first song I play is that one.


20. NoW tELl tHE tRuTh, WhAt sCarEs YoU? Death, and being alone.

21. Do YoU sLeEp WiTh A sTuFfEd AnIMaL? It's a need, I need to feel like something is there.

22. DeSiGn yOuR dReAm MaTe...wHaT wOuLD thEy Be LiKe? No need, I have him :)

23. WhO dO yOu ThInK iS yOuR pErFecT mAtE? My perfect mate? There is no such thing as perfect, and that's what I love.

24. WhAt dO yOuR uNdErWarE lOOk LiKe? My undies? Well if you really want to know, silk with a lace top.

25. HaVe YoU eVEr BeEn KiSsEd? Many times.

26. if So, wHO wAs ThE bEsT KiSs yOu EvEr ReCiEvEd fRoM? John, Saturday night. Something about it made my heart stop, Mmmmmmmmmmm...

27. ArE yOu A ViRGiN? Yes I am, about a billion times over.

28. If No, WhO DiD yOu LoSe IT wiTh? Not something I am proud to admit, age 16, drunk at a party...*UGH*

29. Do YoU wAnT tO gEt MaRRiEd? Would be nice.

30. WhO, AnYoNE iN tHE woRLd, DO yOu WaNt To MaRrY, RiGht NoW? Right now I would say "YES" to John in a heartbeat. Just something about him *sigh* (do you know this survey is making me miss him tons!)

31. WaNt AnY KiDs? I would love kids, but it's not possible.

32. WhAt aRe ThEy GoNNa Be NamEd? If I could...A girl I would call Nichole, for a boy Matt.

FiNiSh tHE SeNtEnCe!

33. My FrIeNdS woUlD dIsCriBe Me As...Shouldn't my firends be doing this? I guess I am an alright gal...You tell me!

34. I cAn't StAnD...People who think they are right when they know they are wrong!

35. My BiGgEsT PeT-PeEvE iS...People who call their mates beb...What the fuck is a beb?

36. ThE pErSon yOu WiSh YoU cOuLd Be aLiVe RiGhT NoW iS...Uncle Bert.

37. If YoU cOuLD gO aNyWhERe, wHeRe wOuLd YoU gO? To see the Sisteen Chapel. Been my dream forever

38. I cOuLd NoT LiVe WiThOuT...Chocolate. If they don't have chocolate in heaven I am turning around at the gates.

39. tHe tHinG i MiSs AbOuT ChIlDHoOd iS...Light bright, glow worms, and the security you feel as a child.

40. ThE cLasS i JUsT lOvE GoInG tO iS...Class?

41. My FaVoRiTe QuOtE iS..."Chocolate is better than sex...Unless you are eating chocolate while having sex of course" --Me.

42. SoMeThiNG nOt EvEryOne KnOwS aBoUT mE iS...I think the world knows more about me than I know about myself.

43. SOmE oF mY fAvOriTE InSiDe JoKEs ArE...Not saying, that's why they are inside jokes...DUH!

44. ThE MoSt EmBaRrAsInG tHiNg I HaVE eVeR doNe To A friend...Let him sit in a resturant with powered sugar on his facial hair...

45. MY MosT EmbArRaSinG moMenT HaS bEeN...Let's just say I am allergic to shrimp (long story)

46. SoMeThIng I rEgREt nOt DoIng/SaYiNg is...Standing up for myself.

47. RiGht nOW, InsTeAd oF fILLiNg ThIS oUt,I sHoUlD...Be doing nothing, maybe going to bed or something but I am waiting to call John on his break, and I'm not really tired.

48. sOmEoNE wHo I wAnT to FiLL tHIs OuT tHAt PrOBabLy Won'T iS...I don't know, if you wanna fill it out do so...

49. ThE fUnNiEsT woRd HaS to bE...Poink.

50. My ClOSiNg StAteMEnT iS...Bye, bye.

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Well that just about does it for my butt.

Remember to take a minute out and sign my guestbook, or leave me a note.

Don't make me get after you with my shoe!


11:59 p.m. - 2001-11-05


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